We had the pleasure of chatting with artist Courtney Babineaux about her creative journey, life as an artist, and what insprires her beautiful artwork. Read our interview with Courtney and don't miss her new collection, Home, available now in the gallery!
What is your earliest memory of being creative?
One year I received a the most detailed handmade Cape Cod styled dollhouse for Christmas…I think I was about 6 or 7 y.o. It had real wood shaker shingles, working wood shutters and a wood front door. The detail blew my mind…it was like a whole new world opened up for me.
Did you always want to be an artist?
I always wanted to be doing something creative, whether it was photography, ceramics, jewelry design, sculptures, painting.

Who inspired you to become an artist?
My sister Karen. She is one of the most creative people I know. She is always giving the most unbelievable handmade gifts for every occasion… like a violin out of cardboard!
How do you want people to feel when they look at your art?
Happy. I love when people tell me a landscape reminds them of where they grew up or where they lived at one time in their life and that my art brings them joy. What a compliment!
What is most rewarding about painting?
My studio is at home and I love that I can bake or work in my rose beds while paint is drying.

Do you ever experience a creative block? How do you break through?
Yes! I usually put a painting or the idea of painting aside to work in a different medium such as clay, paper mache, or refinishing a piece of furniture. I also like to take a little day trip somewhere like NOLA… just for a reset of sorts.
Biggest lesson you’ve learned on your creative journey?
Oh my gosh, to be patient! With myself trying to get ideas worked out in my head or walking away from a piece so that I can come back with fresh eyes. Nothing good comes out of being rushed for me.
Favorite quote or mantra about art?
“Don’t think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more.” Andy Warhol

How do you set the tone for creativity in your studio?
My studio is small so I find when I tidy up my work table, scrape my glass palette clean, put some music on… usually helps me see things clearly in my mind's eye.
Do you have a pre-painting ritual?
I like to do “business” stuff in the morning-exercise, run errands and then after lunch I get to the fun business. I fix an iced coffee, turn on music or an audio book, light a candle, get my paints/mediums picked out and I am ready to roll.
Favorite art tool?
Spray paint!
Do you have any favorite contemporary artists?
I love Shelby Monteverde, Alexis Walter, Elizabeth Endres, Reese Emery, ceramicsalyssa, Paul Schneider. I could go on for days.
Favorite artist from history and why?
I am really drawn to Richard Diebenkorn. I love his color palette especially in the Berkeley Collection and the scale of his pieces, they were large . I also love Elmore Morgan Jr. He was from around where I grew up in Louisiana and I love his use of vibrant colors, looseness of his paintings, and odd shaped Masonite panels.
Favorite time of day to paint?
Afternoon into early evening.

Go-to painting outfit?
T-shirt, running shorts, barefoot. I think I own more paint-splattered shirts/shorts than clean ones.
What type of music is playing in your studio?
Audiobook currently listening to The Paris Agent by Kelly Rimmer), worship, country. I did finish Bible In A Year with Father Mike Schmitz recently... highly recommend!
Do you have a secret talent or hobby besides painting?
I love to grow roses. It started out with just a few bushes so that I could have fresh cut roses in my house, but has evolved into a slight obsession with about two dozen different bushes.
Last TV show you binged?
Seal Team... it was my husband’s turn to pick.

Favorite place in the world?
Easy… Rosemary Beach, FL. I just love riding bikes everywhere, being in t-shirt, cut-offs, flip flops. Just a laid back vibe there.
Favorite movie?
Pride and Prejudice.
Coffee or tea?
Favorite snack you keep stocked in your fridge?
Currently it is St. Angel triple creamed cheese… it's like eating butter!