Studio Chat with Lois Mantak

Studio Chat with Lois Mantak


We had the opportunity to chat with artist Lois Mantak about her creative journey and what inspires her gorgeous paintings. Her latest collection of original artwork, Hydrangea Blues, arrives Thursday, July 11th at 10am ET!

What is my earliest memory of being creative?

My earliest memory of artistic talent was from when I was in kindergarten, and the teacher paraded me around the other classes to show the life-like feathers I had drawn as part of a Thanksgiving day art project. I was very proud and couldn’t wait to get home to tell my mother!

Did you always want to be an artist?

Yes! I’ve been painting for as long as I can remember. I’ve only recently started painting on canvas in the last six years. I can honestly say that I love this way of creating art and truly enjoy the process. The icing on the cake is when a painting connects with someone, and they choose to collect the piece; it’s the most incredible honor that I can get. 

If you met me thirty years ago, you’d likely find me climbing a ladder or perched upon scaffolding while I created wall faux finishes. I had a successful career creating unique finishes in beautiful homes, working with interior designers & occasionally working on commercial projects. For most of that time, I was lucky to have worked alongside my best friend, Rose. Rose and I had an incredible artistic connection; we intuitively knew what the other needed and always left the client happy with the results. It was a fantastic experience and I am proud of our work. 

What type of music is playing in your studio?

Mostly, I listen to audiobooks; I love them. Right now, I'm listening to Swan Song by Elin Hildebrand. Her books always inspire me to paint colorful hydrangeas like the ones in this collection! 

Coffee or Tea?

Tea for me!

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