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About Ayleen

The daughter of Cuban immigrants, Ayleen took a practical path in her education, studying business and later going to law school at the University of Miami. Nevertheless, throughout her life, art has been a faithful companion whispering in her ear the way “home.” 

Her distinct and bright colors alongside her expressive brush strokes were definitely born from her Cuban roots. Some of Ayleen’s earliest memories include painting at the breakfast table with her father, a banker and an innately talented artist. Not surprisingly, the margins of Ayleen’s school notebooks were covered with portraits of classmates and still life sketches of everyday school life. Ayleen doodled her way through law school lectures and later conference calls. The decades of drawing lay the groundwork for her painting later in life. 

After the birth of her second child, Ayleen experienced some baby blues and felt she had lost herself in the neverending to-do lists of motherhood and life as a lawyer. During naptime, she started escaping to her Chicago basement to paint flamingos and flowers. She initially thought she was simply searching for color and life in the dead of Chicago winter, but later realized she was actually searching for a way back to herself.

Today, Ayleen can be found in her studio, back in her hometown of Miami, FL. While her studio’s warm, morning light invites her in each day, it’s the joy and freedom her studio and the canvas provide that keeps her coming back. When she’s slinging paint in her studio, all the typical “shoulds” and to-do lists fall away. It’s a sacred space where she draws on the innate wisdom of childhood wonder and where the only voice that matters is her own. 

Her only hope is that her art energizes you to do that thing that brings you incredible joy in this one, wild, and beautiful life.


Like many people, I see a lot of parallels between flowers and women. However, while people think of flowers as delicate or fragile, I'd argue they are only that way when they are picked or "domesticated." Wildflowers are incredibly adaptable and resilient. They grow, survive, and even thrive in challenging environments. I like to think that when women take up space, follow their hearts, are authentic, and don't let the expectations of the world sway them from their needs and wants, they too are wonderfully powerful, like wildflowers. My floral collection is aptly named "Wildflowers."

Ayleen Wolfe

Shea Butter

Natural moisturizer loved for its ability to soften and hydrate skin. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe irritation and redness.


Pomegranates are rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals, which can damage skin cells and contribute to wrinkles.

Vitamins C & E

Vitamin C is a champion for a brighter, more even skin tone. It helps reduce hyperpigmentation and discoloration, leaving you with a radiant look.